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Augmented Intelligence in the Logistics Sector

Transporting goods in the 21st century poses unique challenges for companies. Although advancing digitization offers enormous opportunities, they are often not or only partially utilized: even large players still frequently use isolated Excel spreadsheets. This lack of connectivity within and outside the company entails a huge amount of personnel and communication effort – error rates and costs increase, competitive opportunities decrease.

The Swiss Army Knife for Logisticians:

This is exactly where “Fred”, the digital assistant from Brain4Data, comes into play. He allows cross-departmental work, reduces unnecessary (internal or external) communication and simplifies planning and monitoring of freight transportation as well as commercial tasks. “Fred” has a modular structure, providing users with a streamlined tool that offers exactly the range of functions they need. These components, which can be combined as required, are of particular interest to logistics companies:

Everything at a glance: The Search and Notification Function

“Fred” can collate, process and link existing data within the company from a wide variety of sources. The digital assistant compiles information about customers, suppliers, invoices or orders and provides a structured list. Authorized employees can access this data from anywhere in the world via a browser-based platform. Thanks to extensive search and filter functions, your employees can find the information they need for their work across departments in a matter of seconds.

Based on Artificial Intelligence, the digital assistant can also prepare the data so that it can be interpreted by all common AI language models (ChatGPT, Copilot, Gemini, etc.). In addition, “Fred” comes with its own language model that uses Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG).

The digital assistant also warns about important business transactions and provides customized recommendations for action. Users decide for themselves who is notified about which issues. If desired, “Fred” can also alert customers automatically, for example if a delivery is delayed.

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Fast and efficient: Workforce Scheduling

With the digital assistant, users can create deployment plans for drivers in the blink of an eye, which “Fred” automatically checks for plausibility. He takes into account the current personnel situation (e.g. vacation and sick leave) as well as hourly and wage quotas. This works both for the company’s own drivers and for subcontractors.

If sudden changes are necessary, for example if a driver calls in sick at short notice, “Fred” informs the relevant dispatchers via email. The digital assistant then automatically provides suggestions so that existing schedules can be adjusted in a matter of seconds.

Learn more & Case study on the subject

Always up to date: The Tracking Function

“Fred” can gather and process sensor data from a wide variety of sources. This makes it easy to monitor parameters such as temperature, pressure or humidity during storage or transportation of goods. The digital assistant also records the route taken, including time stamps. This allows you to track every route in detail – so you are always protected in the event of damage.

“Fred” also warns you automatically and in real time about critical incidents, such as when temperatures are exceeded during transportation or storage.

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Transparency and comparability: Tender Management

“Fred’s” integrated scoring system is the perfect tool for the unbiased assessment of logistics tenders and projects. The digital assistant evaluates tenders independently according to objective criteria that you define in advance. These could include keywords, metrics and much more. This allows you to make informed calculations and concentrate on tenders that promise the highest profit margin.

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Optimal use of capacities: Dynamic Resource Management

“Fred” tracks warehouse and production data in real time and compares it with the nominal status. He reacts immediately to deviations and makes AI-supported recommendations to deploy employees and equipment as required. This allows “Fred” to ensure optimized use of resources and increase productivity.

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Want to learn more?

In the Case Studies & Use Cases section we present some of the opportunities offered by “Fred” using real-life examples. The most important abilities of “Fred” are briefly outlined in explanatory videos.

Alternatively, you can arrange a consultation appointment directly:

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Your contact

Thomas Kistner

Chief Executive Officer Bricklog Germany

Phone:      +49 (0) 221 13 00 89 40
Email:       thomas.kistner(at)
LinkedIn:  Thomas Kistner